Automation Tools For Web Applications

Posted By admin On 06/05/19
  1. Best Web Automation Software
  2. Free Automation Tools For Web Applications Testing
  3. Web Browser Automation Tools

Create and run automated UI tests on any web application. With cross-technology support, quickly execute tests across multiple browsers and operating. No integration is required with applications you currently use, making automation seamless. Automate on Web Applications and Sites Kryon’s RPA Platform makes it easy to automate business tasks on web-based applications.

I'm trying to find some useful Open Source Testing Automation Tools for use with the .NET framework. I've done a fair bit of research, but unfortunately, most of the tools I have found focus on testing web applications only.

There are 3 types of programs that we run in order to make our software do what it needs to do: We program a service in VB.NET to collect data, we have an AJAX/JavaScript + VB/ASP.NET web application to view the data, and a VB.NET Form-based GUI to edit the data.

I understand that the chances finding a tool that would test all three is slim to nil, but I was not expecting a single tool to cover all of them.

Since the service we run is the most important, I was hoping the Stack Overflow community might have some insight as to what testing automation tools would be particularly useful for VB.NET services. Any information with respect to the GUI or Web Application sides would be a great help as well.


closed as off-topic by Kevin Brown, TylerH, Infinite Recursion, karthik, Shankar DamodaranJun 21 '15 at 4:06

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Kevin Brown, TylerH, Infinite Recursion, karthik, Shankar Damodaran
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6 Answers

You can test your service with any unit test framework like NUnit, MbUnit, MSTest, .. .

Your web application like you probably know there many different applications like Watir, Watin, Selenium, SWAT, Telerik WebUITest Studio.

I'm not familiar with Windows form testing tool; however, I know that Telerik is comming up with one.


You can definitely use capture-replay to capture and run the test script. But I would suggest that you must at least manually edit your scripts to make them

  1. more readable
  2. easier to maintain.

The good thing about TestComplete is that it is able to look into your form's properties, capture those properties so that you can refer to those properties by their name, not by just screen coordinates.

Best Web Automation Software

Here's a similar question.


There are a number of good tools for testing.

Business Objects - test with NUnit,mbUnit,MSTest

Web testing - Selenium and NUnit or WatiN

Desktop GUI - not sure but you could try pyWinAuto - its a python application but you could use IronPython which is the .NET implementation


Using the Apis I developed for I was able to write tests that cover the 3 scenarios that you mention

Download garena indonesia. See these tests for a significant number of real-world tests written that way

See also disable IE visibility while using WatiN for an example of an Web Automation test

Dinis CruzDinis Cruz

Free Automation Tools For Web Applications Testing

For unit, integrate and static testing you can using Parasoft .

Web Browser Automation Tools

ToolsBest automation testing tools for web applications

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