Bangla Convert
Posted By admin On 09/06/19
Bangla Converter is an essential web tool for presenting Bengali language better in webpage at any browser. Generally, as Bengali writers, Journalists and news editors write their journal, news in Bijoy font. Jun 22, 2017 - Bangla has used the rules from Wikipedia to convert Gregorian date to Bangla date. How to convert scanned pdf with Bengali text to Microsoft Word document with readable Bengali text? Details - I have a scanned pdf with Bengali text (in Bengali font) in it. I want to convert it into a Microsoft Word document with editable Beng.
I got a python package called PyAvroPhonetic and installed it.
After running the above script I got the following error -
ImportError: No module named utils
But after running the following script
there is no error. Here is the conversion code
I have to use avro to call parse function. What should I do. I am using python 2.7.10. Thanks in advance.
Bangla Converter Download
1 Answer
I am currently using Python 3 and I can share the way I use Avro Phonetic. I am using modified python 3 compatible 'pyAvroPhonetic' library locally with my scripts. You can get the structure at - ''
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This free online English to Bengali translation tool powered by Google, helps you to type in Bengali using phonetical translation. Just type the Bengali words as it sound in English, in the box below. When you type each word in English, the word is automatically converted into Unicode Bengali script.